We advise clients to consume all the scans which we are pushed by Delhivery and not to put a hard check in the first place

Webhooks provide a mechanism whereby a server-side application can notify a client-side application when a new event has occurred on the server. Here the new event is the application of a new scan on the client package. Whenever a new scan is applied to the package the client is automatically notified of this scan via an endpoint that is shared by the client to which the scans are pushed. The client is supposed to enable the endpoint where Delhivery will send the scan status on the package. The client should also share any extra details which need to be passed along with the scan data such as authorization header, Content-type, etc. A sample scan will be sent to the mentioned webhook endpoint to test if the data is successfully sent and received by the client. For sending a sample scan the client needs to share a live order wbn. Below is a sample scan which will be pushed to the client. This payload can be changed if required by the client.

Details Required from Client-side before starting the development

=> API's Endpoint on which scans need to push.
=> Client should have at least 1-2 waybills/tracking id's in production to test out the scan push functionality.
=> Curl Request of Payload with Request and expected Response (Recommended: 200 OK and Success).
Please Note: Development, Testing, and Deployment for Webhook need a minimum of 5-6 working days time post requirements will get freeze.

    "Shipment": {
        "Status": {
            "Status": "Manifested",
            "StatusDateTime": "2019-01-09T17:10:42.767",
            "StatusType": "UD",
            "StatusLocation": "Chandigarh_Raiprkln_C (Chandigarh)",
            "Instructions": "Manifest uploaded"
        "PickUpDate": "2019-01-09T17:10:42.543",
        "NSLCode": "X-UCI",
        "Sortcode": "IXC/MDP",
        "ReferenceNo": "28",
200 OK