Package edit API allows to update package details(as mentioned below) after manifestation.This is an advance API integration where the details can be changed or corrected at later stage as well against the waybill Note : It's a POST API Url.

Keys that can be updated
  1. Consignee Name (name)
  2. Consignee Address (add)
  3. Consignee Phone (phone)
  4. cod_amount (cod)
  5. Shipment weight (gm)
  6. Shipment Length (shipment_length)
  7. Shipment Width (shipment_width)
  8. Shipment Height (shipment_height)
  9. Product details (product_details)
  10. payment_mode (pt)
Package Status for which update is allowed
  1. Manifested
  2. In Transit
  3. Pending
  4. Scheduled
Package Status for which update is not allowed
  1. Delivered
  2. Dispatched
  3. LOST
  4. RTO
  5. DTO
  6. Picked Up
  7. Collected

Test Environment URL

Production Environment URL