This API allows you to take actions on the NDR package. It having 2 API's 1. NDR API 2.Get NDR status API
- NDR API- It allows you to take action on NDR packages. As of now, three actions "Deferred Delivery Date," "Edit Details," and "Reattempt - As per NDR instructions," can be taken via this API. this API is asynchronous and allowed partial update so it will give you a UPL id in response always.
Not- Date format for "Deferred Delivery Date" is "YYYY-MM-DD" - Get NDR status API- UPL id status can be checked from this API which you get from the NDR API.
Params | Mandatory | Value Type | Description |
waybill | Yes | String | Waybill number of the package |
act | Yes | String | Action keyword corresponding to each action: 1. DEFER_DLV: deferred delivery date 2. EDIT_DETAILS: edit details 3. RE-ATTEMPT: Re-attempt - as per NDR instructions |
Additional parameters corresponding to each action-keywords (act):
- Maximum deferred date is 6 days from the first pending date.
max_dfd_allowed = first pending date + 6 days - Package should contain StatusCode among ["EOD-74", "EOD-15", "EOD-11", "EOD-3", "EOD-16","EOD-6", "ST-108"] ( StatusCode can be taken from response of tracking api).
Params | Mandatory | Value Type | Description |
deferred_date | Yes | String | Date of format "YYYY-MM-DD" |
- EDIT_DETAILS can be applied only when package is in pending status.
Params | Mandatory | Value Type | Description |
name | No | String | Consignee name |
phone | No | String | Consignee phone number |
add | No | String | Consignee address |
- Package should be in pending status.
- Package should contain StatusCode among ["EOD-74", "EOD-15", "EOD-104", "EOD-43",
"EOD-86", "EOD-11", "EOD-16", "EOD-69","EOD-6", "ST-108"] ( StatusCode can be taken from response of tracking api).
Test Environment URL
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